Wednesday, 2 April 2014

No More Lies

OK, I am back. Lot's of water under the bridge since my last - and first - blog entry. Am going to try and be a bit more regular with my postings. That means they'll be shorter (thank god, I heard someone say).

So, to the title. Over the last year I have managed to come out as a transgender woman to most of my family, my close friends, acquaintances, neighbours, shopkeepers...basically anyone that gave me half a chance to share.

However, the one group that I was the most nervous about sharing with were my two children. Last week, I told my eldest (19) and yesterday I told my youngest (17). I should have realised how it would go down....N-O P-R-O-B-L-E-M :)

Today, after telling them, I think I am closer to them than I ever have been. It feels like a massive weight has been lifted from my hormonally-induced feminine shoulders.

I just cannot believe it. I instinctively go to do something to hide my girlishness and realise I do not have to do it anymore.

So happy. OMG, so, so happy.
